Bella English, 8/13/90 "A Little English on the Language" Last week, I read in the newspaper that Deborah Norville was irked at the use of her name in the following manner: "Jane Pauley was norvilled out of a job." In other words, thrown over for a youger, blonder version. Like, Marla norvilled Ivana. Quayle norvilled Dole. In the spirit of all people who have been norvilled in this world, I offer the following excerpts from English's New World Dictionary. chung: v. to aggressively attempt to get pregnant. (She was desperate to get chunged.) quayle: v. 1. to listen with a look of intense concentration, without a clue to what the speaker is saying. (The Russian spoke in his native tongue, so all I could do was quayle.) 2. to impersonate a vice president. (I'm quayling for Halloween.) quail: v. what the rest of us do when we see Danny Boy impersonating a vice president. saddam-ize: v. to commit an unnatural act of aggression against your neighbor. (Iraq saddamized Kuwait.) dukakis: n. 1. massive failure. (The autopsy report indicated death was due to a coronary dukakis.) 2. a nosedive into oblivion (He did a dukakis off the Tobin Bridge.) v. to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. (Despite their first place standing, I expect the Red Sox to dukakis before the season is out.) silber: v. to blame the press whenever you make a fool out of yourself. adj. sexist. (Frankly, that was a rather silber remark.) bellotti: v. 1. to tan well into your sixties without wrinkling. 2. to run repeatedly for office until you finally win. (Jesse Jackson is attempting to bellotti for president.) 3) to have 12 kids because they're cheaper by the dozen. murphy: see dukakis, above. hard: n. to suffer from an acute hormonal imbalance, specifically, of testosterone. (Poor woman; her husband was being treated for a hart-attack.) bush: v. to take vacation, early and often, particularly in the middle of an international crisis. (George was bushing it up in Kennebunkport.) bushed: adj. very tired, exhausted from all that boating, fly fishing, golfing, jogging, and biking. bushwhacked: v. to be photographed in a compromising position. (Michael Dukakis was bushwhacked while driving a tank and wearing a Snoopy helmet.) barbara (bush): v. to achieve great popularity for no apparent reason. (A recent Wellesley College graduate stated: "Heavens, no. I don't plan to work. I plan to barbara.") neil (bush): v. 1. to state as your primary defense to criminal charges that your daddy is president. 2. to state as your primary defense to criminal charges that you're not crooked, just stupid. barry: v. to cry racism after you're caught in a hotel room with a bimbo on your arm and coke up your nose. (The mayor has been barrying all over the place.) sex, lies, and videotape: n. the new movie about Mayor Marion Barry and his escapades in a Washington hotel room. trump (d.): v. to file for bankruptcy while living on only half a million bucks a month. trump (i.): v. to cry poverty because you're only getting a $25 million divorce settlement. roseanne: n. the name of a television show, whose original working title was, "two hundred thirtysomething." marcos: n. a behavioral disorder characterized by pathological spending of other people's money. (I marcosed out with my parents' Visa at Filene's Basement last week.) (The S&L bandits are marcosing with our tax dollars.) vinnie: v. to impress a young lady by driving a souped-up Corvette and wearing gold chains and tank tops. ("Boy, he really vinnied that chick.") adj. anything particular to Corvettes, gold chains, and tank tops (Revere Beach is super vinnie.) langone: n. 1. an extremely sexist member of the Governor's Council who calls women reporters "dear" and "honey." (Joseph is a real langone.) 2. an extremely obnoxious member of the Governor's Council who threatens to "bury" an outstanding woman lawyer seeking a judgeship. 3. mortician to the Angiulos. idiot: n. any member of the Massachusetts Legislature. Massachusetts: n. one of 13 original states; former commonwealth of the US, now a national zoo. reagan: n. someone who is overpaid and underworked. (Ronald was a real reagan.) english: n. someone who is overworked and underpaied. (Bella is a rel english.) ---------------------------------------------------- English Language Blunders From Around the World Collected by Ronnie Alexander & Karl Zimmer University of California, Berkeley Italian Hotel Brochure: This hotel is renowned for its piece and solitude. In fact, crowds from all over the world flock here to enjoy its solitude. Rome hotel: Fire! It is what can doing, we hope. No fear. Not ourselves. Say quickly to all people coming up down everywhere a prayer. Always is a clerk. He is assured of safety by expert men who are in the bar for telephone for the fighters of the fire to come out. Polish Tourist Brochure: As for the tripes serves you at the Hotel Monopol, you will be singing its praise to your children as you lie on your deathbed. French Hotel: A sports jacket may be worn to dinner, but no trouser. French Restaurant Menu: Extract of fowl, peached or sunnyside up. French Swimming Pool: Swimming is forbidden in absence of the Savior. Spanish Hotel Ad: The provision of a large French widow in every room adds to the visitors comfort. Madrid Restaurant Menu: Tarts of the house. Madrid Hotel: Peoples will left the room at midday of tomorrow in place of not which will be more money for hole day. Athens Restaurant Menu: Chopped cow with a wire through it. *Bowels in sauce** *shish-kebab **tripe On the Box of a Clockwork Toy Made in Hong Kong: Guaranteed to work throughout its useful life.